Why Choose Parental / Family Education?

Why does a family choose to comply directly with the natural and regulatory obligation of educating their offspring through homeschooling?

Each family has peculiarities that characterize it; consequently the socio-psycho-pedagogical motivations are different from time to time.

Without claiming to be exhaustive, the most common are listed below:

•      This Approach Makes

It possible to create the conditions so that children can, through varied individual and social experiences, without space-time or age barriers, realize their creative potential and aspirations, cultivate interests and passions, enhance inclinations and talents; all motivations that push parents and children to act to satisfy the natural need for knowledge and search for horizons of meaning and meaning, which characterizes every human being, regardless of age.

•      It is a Renewed Educational Approach

Adhering to the new historical-cultural and anthropological scenario, which has distant roots, the last stage of the red thread that runs through history, from Socrates, Plato, Montaigne, Rousseau, and Illich to many others.

•      Furthermore, This Approach Is in Line

From the cognitive, affective and relational point of view, with the recent discoveries of neuroscience, with the countless opportunities, including displacement that the new means and new technologies offer to access the typical sources of knowledge besteconstuition.com. Of the contemporary world. We can see it as a piece within a large mosaic that today has as its background an important and necessary, therefore necessary, intent: the full realization of human beings belonging to an authentic community to rebalance the human presence in the natural system.

•      Through This Experience

Family and social relationships have the opportunity to develop and enrich themselves to an optimal extent and quality to live the present and orient the future with a concrete and confident look towards a realized humanity and therefore “… for a new humanism …” as reported by the National guidelines of 2012.

•      The Validity of This Approach Is Demonstrated By Various International Studies and Observers On The Outcomes

Both professionally and academically and not, of homeschoolers; in particular, these studies highlight a balanced development of the person as a whole and a high “… life satisfaction index …”. Those who undertake parental education, on the other hand, are neither required to attend a private school, nor to take exams, nor necessarily aspire to a certification or a diploma. The choice of parental education is carried out in the family for reasons that are often different from purely curricular or scholastic ones.

It happens that for the sake of simplicity all those who present themselves for an exam are considered “privatizes”, and therefore also the homeschoolers when they take the examination of eligibility for the next class.

Even the self-taught is, logically speaking, different from the homeschooler: the former can also study alone, outside a family relationship, while parental education is such only in the family environment.

Financial Risk Analyst

Companies of all kinds, but above all those that are larger need on their payroll an expert in calculating the financial risks of certain actions for the organization.

If you are passionate about these types of activities, you will be able to gather the necessary information and decide when a project is economically viable for a company and when it represents a risk that should not be taken.

In short, you will have the financial health of an institution in your hands and your main objective will be to achieve stability and orderly and successful growth.

Financial Market Operator

The financial markets are in constant motion. For this reason, companies, especially those that are listed on the stock market, have operators who are in charge of monitoring the value of their shares, make recommendations on what and how to buy and are in charge of monitoring that the shares of their company are stable.

If you like challenges and you are a very dynamic and analytical person; this may be the ideal position for your profile. Of course, it will also be necessary that you know how to work under pressure, that you cope effectively in stressful situations and that you are not afraid to make high-impact decisions.

Business Advisor

Many companies hire finance graduates to primarily advice on investment strategies.

When carrying out this work, you must protect organizations so that they have the least amount of losses, but more than anything so that they obtain the highest possible profit, by allocating their money to different projects.

In itself, your mission will be to support organizations to increase their profitability and value, meet their growth goals and correctly manage all their tax obligations.

Keep in mind that this can be done both within a company that specializes in this type of activity, as well as independently.

If you decide on the latter, you can define yourself the cost for your services and the hours in which you will exercise, which can be very beneficial for you depending on your lifestyle.

Director of companies                                                  

Undoubtedly, another of the positions that you will be able to fill in companies of various types when graduating from your career is that of management.

And as we have seen throughout this article, upon graduating from the Finance career, you will have a very broad training on the business world, the operation of companies, information management and decision-making, so you will be one of the most competitive candidates to serve as the leader of an organization.

Of course, you can also be part of the Finance department of any company or start your own company.

As you can see, the degree in Finance allows you to collaborate in multiple areas and has a very wide scope, so you will not have to worry about your work being monotonous or the lack of opportunities, but you will even have the possibility to choose between multiple options of employment.

Well! We are almost reaching the end of our reading, but before we finish, what do you think if you know other benefits of studying Finance? If your answer is positive, keep reading! Besteconstuition in Singapore Thanks.




Economics Outstanding Definitions

Types of Economy

This science has a special division classified into seven aspects that will be explained below.

Macroeconomics and microeconomics

The first deals with elementary economic units such as the individual, the family and the company. Study economic variables, such as investments, production, costs, income, expenses, savings, etc. The second part deals with economic activity as a whole. It studies the behavior of large economic variables such as national production, national income, economics tuition and monetary policy, income and public spending, inflation, unemployment, global production of the country, etc.

Orthodox and heterodox economics

When it comes to heterodox economic types, they are considered as a type of economist flow, promoter of economic science and the use of instruments, methodologies and the various sets of knowledge about classical economics.

These alternative schools of thought to the mainstream can draw on the tradition of the schools of classical thought, the new currents or those relegated by orthodox thought. The latter is, basically, the prevailing economic model today, which is structured with “rationality-individualism-balance”.

Positive and Normative Economics

The positive system is based on demonstrating, specifying and answering all those economic unknowns from an objective point of view that is, making use of reason. This aspect describes all the problems that affect the economic factor and looks for possible solutions.

The normative is in charge of giving a personal and subjective opinion on the possible scenarios of the economic systems. Here, value judgments are made and questions arise as to what should be done in extreme situations.

Economy and Diseconomy of Scale

The first refers to the power that a company has when it reaches an optimal level of production to produce more at a lower cost, that is, as production in a company grows, its costs per unit produced are reduced. The more you produce, the less it costs to produce each unit.

The diseconomy of scale refers to an effect that occurs in the production costs of a product, which will gradually increase, generating more and more expenses for each product produced. It can then be said that diseconomy of scales has the opposite effect to that of scales.

Informal, Illegal and Underground Economy

The informal one comprises more than half of the world’s workforce and more than 90% of micro-enterprises worldwide. Informality is an important feature of global labor markets. There are millions of economic units in operation and hundreds of millions of workers trying to earn a living in informal conditions. It manifests itself in various ways in different economies.

Formalization processes and measures aimed at facilitating the transition to formality must be tailored to the specific circumstances faced by workers’ economic units in different countries and categories.

Illegality refers to the production of all those goods that have been declared illegal by the laws of a nation , in this aspect are prostitution, smuggling, drug trafficking, bribes, among other products, which are an indirect part of GDP (product gross domestic product) of all the nations of the world. The submerged aspects are part of any economics activity that escapes the control of the treasury and the tax agency.

Obviously, this activity does not count directly in the GDP of a country.

This involves various activities where potential taxpayers of a nation do not pay taxes, for this reason, their activities are more economical. In turn, by not paying taxes, they commit labor fraud by hiring workers who are paid in the black, that is, without the control of the administration.



In the Same Way That the Family Is Educated

Through daily coexistence at home, in the company it can be educated through the intense and fruitful human coexistence in the working day. Understanding education in this way, it would be located in the field of informal education, with the family and the company as their own training areas. In the workplace, the most precious value is the ability to learn continuously. Peter Drucker points out that teaching cannot continue to be a monopoly of the schools. What is postulated is constant and continuous training as a permanent dimension of the new work processes.

“How This Can Be Done Will Be Seen Little By Little;

But, from the outset, it does not pose as many problems as it might seem if, when speaking of education, one does not think only in terms of formal education. The company is called to become a training environment out of necessity arising from its own purposes, and in this case it is possible to speak rigorously of an educational environment, since it must deal with intentional teaching and not only with allowing or even trying to learn. Restructuring of work and ethos professional. The management of this teaching-learning process in the new training environment of the company constitutes, without a doubt, the greatest and most fruitful challenge of education in our times”.

Apparently, It Could Be Said That”

The interest in education in this approach is purely instrumental. Knowledge is required to produce more and better. However, the very development of this approach, which leads to the knowledge society, also leads to a genuine educational concern, by putting the person in the foreground, since jobs are no longer as easily interchangeable as in industrial society. Knowledge is life and life is realized in people, who thus come to occupy the first place. Plan in business planning and organization. This affirmation of personal uniqueness fits perfectly with the appreciation of knowledge and, consequently, with the preferential attention to education“. Finally, it can be concluded by noting that “knowledge is always embodied in a person, carried by a person, increased or improved by a person, used well or badly by a person. Therefore, the passage to the society of knowledge converts the person in the essential.

From the Formulated Approaches,

It could be concluded that educational organization is the proper field of formal education and, by extension, non-formal education. The family, school, business and society are the proper field of informal education, due to its formative influence as a result of social coexistence. But if you take into account Peter Drucker’s approach that the company can and should teach and train intentionally, and this takes on this challenge, it could be said that the company is also the realm of non-formal education. What the company cannot and should not assume is to be the proper field of formal education. Therefore, it is worth remembering what was said at the beginning of this presentation: Economics organizations are defined by their purpose.

Changes in Conceptualization

Llano points out that the study of major trends is beginning to show a change, a new way of seeing things, which has allowed him to identify dominant values and ascending values in the company’s culture. The former still prevail and the latter begins to emerge more and more strongly, in what he calls the new sensibility with a view to achieving authentic contemporaneity. To each of the six parameters that it establishes, it indicates the dominant and the ascending value, by means of which it illustrates the way in which the changes in the concept of the company are being generated, which have gone from an economistic vision of the early twentieth century to an anthropological vision of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

Within these parameters are20:

•          The purpose of the company. In the line of dominant values, the idea that the main and almost exclusive objective of the economic enterprise is profit, profit, profit. The humanistic perspective of the new sensibility adopts a multidimensional vision, according to which the purposes of the company are four: a) to provide a service to the social community; b) generate sufficient economic value added (profit); c) provide its members with personal satisfaction and human development; d) achieve a capacity for self-continuity or permanence. Emerging values emphasize ends a) and c) and dominant values insist that the essential ends are b) and d). The purposes a) and c) correspond to anthropological and social thought. As has been said, these specifically human goods have the quality of ends; economics tuition goods are medial and, therefore, subordinate to higher ones. For this reason, there should be no opposition between the human and financial aspects of the company, but a synthesis that surpasses by increase rather than by elimination.

•      Basic human tendencies.

Taking the dominant values as a reference, the answer is clear: the desire for possession, the tendency to have more, the drive to dominate and succeed. The basic human tendency is desire: the urge toward possession and enjoyment. Ascending values, on the other hand, emphasize another strong tendency, which is effusiveness, the need to contribute, share and create. The goods to which desire tends are of a material type; by sharing them, they decrease and are devalued. With those of effusiveness, the opposite happens: they increase when they participate. Rather, effectiveness lies in increasing creative tendencies. The impulse to undertake is effusive, creative, expansive, and projective.

•      Definition of the strategy.

It is to convert the achievement of the objectives into the only measure of success of the strategy, regardless of whether, to achieve them, the basic criteria, the policies, of the company have been respected or not. Separated from your inspirational criteria, intentional goals are degraded to mere factual results. Achieving results at any cost is something that no institution can afford. From the emerging values, the approach is more aesthetic than mechanical. The qualitative vision is comprehensive and dynamic, while the merely quantitative is inertial. A mechanical progress is not an action. It is only the way to a result that does not enrich the initial conditions. From this perspective,

•      Consequences of business activity

Focusing more on results than principles is a vision defect that might be called social astigmatism. But it is frequent that such perceptual distortion is accompanied by a social myopia, a short vision, which does not go beyond the objectives and the close circumstances. The new sensibility aims to rectify this perceptual voluntarism by expanding and diversifying the field of vision.

•      Development of people in the organization.

The culture of a company, its cognitive and ethical style, are translated, above all, in the way it treats its members and the way in which it manages to improve, grow and develop in the corporation. And, to a large extent, the type of personal development that the organization cultivates depends on the internal promotion systems that it has established. In the dominant values system, promotion consists of moving up from one level to another, along the rank line that pushes from the bottom up, with goals of preponderance that elicit competition. But this tendency is perverse if it is not synthesized in the ascending value that is inclusion or a sense of belonging. It is a tendency that moves within the internal sphere of being and not on the external surface of having and appearing.

•      Attitude to spontaneous impulses.

As long as it continues to be considered that the purpose of the company is nothing more than profit; if strategies are considered from the point of view of results and not from the perspective of principles; whether primary objectives are prioritized over secondary responsibilities; If such are still the dominant values, then it is not surprising that desiderative desires and rank are on the surface. The tendency to immediately enjoy sensible gratifications is culturally deadly. It numbs the ability to project, encourages conformity and tames dissent. It moves in a downward spiral, plunging people into the vortex of hedonism. This is the dominant trend. The emerging trend calls for real quality in production, and a high aesthetic level in design, it provokes selection in consumption, demands sobriety, temperance and self-control, and demands coupling technological instruments to ethical capacities. New life opportunities arise from giving work its authentic sense of service, of mission. More visit here Besteconstuition Thanks

Monetary Turn Of Events

•             It is an interaction of consistent change towards progress, including endeavors to increment per capita item.

•             Paying thoughtfulness regarding equivalent dispersion of pay, including evenhanded conveyance of advancement and its outcomes.

•             Paying consideration regarding populace development.

•             Improve individuals’ lives.

•             Economic improvement is constantly joined by financial development.

•             Each input, aside from delivering more yield, additionally changes in institutional and specialized information.

Markers are a wellspring of methodical and target data. Pretty much consistently a few papers compose insights that are delivered by the public authority. A pointer is an instrument that shows the connection between different things. The public authority, for instance, routinely reviews families or organizations to examine their exercises and the effect of their exercises on their government assistance. Without these pointers, the current example or manifestations and their belongings will be hard to decide with conviction. Pointers acquired by study by the public authority or organizations with an interest are utilized as benchmarks for checking and planning an approach.

The significance of monetary advancement pointers is as per the following:

1.            Monitor monetary conduct

2.            The significance of monetary examination

3.            Basic dynamic

4.            International similar premise

Monetary Development has three primary markers; coming up next is a clarification of every one of the Economic Development Indicators:

Financial Indicators

This marker is identified with cash. The cash here is a degree of pay got by the local area. In financial markets, there are a few pointers that can be estimated, to be specific:

Non-Monetary Indicators

This pointer is a marker that is taken from a few primary things identified with individuals’ life. Like the past pointers, Indicators have a few sorts of sub-markers. Coming up next is the depiction.

1.     Social Indicators

The Economic Development Specialist named Beckerman recognizes different examinations on methods of contrasting government assistance levels in 3 gatherings.

The primary gathering is an endeavor to analyze the degree of government assistance that happens in networks in two or a few nations by improving the execution in the estimation of common public pay. This exertion was spearheaded by Colin Clark which was additionally refined by Gilbert and Kravis.

The subsequent gathering, with a work to make changes in individuals’ pay contrasted with thinking about the distinction in value levels in every country.

The third gathering is an endeavor to make an examination of the degree of government assistance of every nation dependent on non-money related information like the quantity of mechanized vehicles, oil utilization, the quantity of individuals who have gotten instruction, and this exertion was spearheaded by a character named Bennet.

As per Beckerman, of the three strategies over, the strategy that was felt to be the most suitable was the technique utilized by Gilbert and Kravis. This strategy is an endeavor to think about the degree of government assistance and improvement in different nations by improving the correlation technique utilizing public pay information from every country.

Blended Indicator

1.      Education

Training is a pointer utilized in estimating the monetary improvement of a country. All in all, in created nations the degree of instruction is high on normal with TPAK from one year to another continually expanding. Created nations truly focus on the schooling level of their residents. As opposed to agricultural nations, training in NSB is still low when contrasted with created nations. It is demonstrated that the degree of education and Pak just as the school support rate is still low. Along these lines, from this examination, markers that can be estimated in schooling are; training level, proficiency rate, and instruction investment rate.

2. Wellbeing

Wellbeing is an essential right that should be satisfied to support public activity. Wellbeing level markers can be seen from the normal days off and the accessibility of wellbeing offices. At the point when financial improvement is satisfied as government assistance in the wellbeing area, it tends to be seen from a few signs as a low death rate, a high populace development rate, and a high future rate.

3. Lodging

The house is an essential need that should be satisfied by every occupant. Lodging markers that are as per the government assistance targets of the populace are perfect water and power sources, disinfection, and nature of lodging.

4. Labor force

Individuals who are supposed to be in the workforce are individuals matured 15-64 years. This labor force is additionally isolated into two, in particular working and searching for work (jobless). Pointers that can be utilized to quantify the government assistance of the labor force are work support, number of hours worked, fundamental type of revenue, and business status.

5.      KB and Fertility

The markers that can be utilized are the utilization of bosom milk, the degree of inoculation, the presence of wellbeing faculty upon entering the world, and the utilization of contraceptives.

6.      Economy

Financial advancement is fundamentally trailed by monetary development. With monetary development, we can see the financial marker itself Economics tuition, in particular the degree of pay and utilization per capita.

7. Wrongdoing

Essentially, created nations have a low crime percentage, this is because of the total state security instruments utilized by these nations. This is not quite the same as the circumstance in non-industrial nations. In NSB, numerous wrongdoings happen because of a few factors like social stun, failure to address issues, and the significance of a decision. The pointers of wrongdoing itself incorporate the quantity of burglaries each year, the quantity of murders each year, and the quantity of assaults each year.

8. Travel

The marker is the recurrence of traveler trips each year.

9. Admittance to Mass Media

Media access plans to meet the data needs of society itself. The markers include: the quantity of papers, the quantity of radios and the quantity of TVs.

A Review of the History of Macroeconomics

The birth of modern macroeconomics has been located in 1936 with the publication of the work of John Maynard Keynes, General theory of employment, interest and money, which is considered the first concrete postulate of the field of study of macroeconomics. However, this theory began to have its first manifestations in previous decades where what would later become its object of study and methodology began to emerge.

Modern Macroeconomics

When the First World War ended it was soon seen that the capitalist economy during the first years of the 20th century would not be defined by growth and stability. Economic theories had to seek an explanation for inflation and the various financial problems that plagued many European countries and the United States. During the Great Depression, this country experienced a considerable rise in unemployment and a very low level of production. Against this background, Keynes publishes his important work.

With a completely contrary perspective to that of the so-called neoclassical economists

Keynes explains that unemployment is involuntary; therefore, the capitalist economy must be regulated in order to achieve stability and a better use of productive resources. In addition, he proposed government intervention in the creation of economic policies that would promote the general development of the nation and increase employment.

After Keynes and the popularity his work unleashed, John T. Hicks winner of the Nobel Prize and author of the article Mr. Keynes and the ´Classics´: a Suggested Interpretation (1937) created the IS-LL model where he shows how markets and money. This was a fundamental proposal for the current of Keynesianism and that would later inspire the mathematical works that would serve as an econometric technique for empirical macroeconomic studies.

Characteristics of Macroeconomics

•          It focuses on the study of the economy from a general vision to explain its operation through variables. These are interrelated and are not seen as isolated phenomena.

•          Among the characteristics of macroeconomics, it stands out that it attends to the comprehensive behavior of the markets, not to their individual expression.

•          The analysis is based on the observation, collection and analysis of statistical data to compare with patterns of success or failure.

•          One of the most used indicators is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country or region, since it is considered that its variations are a reflection of growth or productive decline.

•          The theories of macroeconomics are economic aggregates with the measurement of national accounts; of economic equilibrium with analysis of prices, employment, the goods market, etc., and of economic development with the study of cycles where currency, finance, production, among others, intervenes.

Master’s Degree in Business Economics

Will I have a chance to get a top MBA program such as booth?

There is indeed not enough information to answer your question. If your question is to know whether your previous master’s degree in business economics will harm your application, the answer is yes. The reason that makes it impossible to apply for an MBA is that you have previously obtained an MBA degree. I have an acquaintance who first met Haas EMBA, and then the admission committee realized that they had made a mistake because she had already graduated with her MBA degree.

Now, in terms of the overall opportunity for the program you mentioned, this is what you need to know.

•        GMAT > 720 (you can always apply for a lower GMAT score, but if you feel frustrated, you can safely assume that the GMAT score is one of the main reasons)-also because you graduated in business economics, your Quants skills are expected to be high (hence Your score in the “Quants” section should be at least 50)

•        Work experience – I don’t know much about you, but please remember that for safety, the minimum age is 2 years old, so it is recommended to be at least 4 years old to maximize your chances (naturally have relevant work experience)

•        International experience-this is the main asset that eases your admission to top schools.

•        Extracurricular activities-this is a large part of the admission decision for American courses (and much less for international MBA programs)-American b-schools love community participation. They love veterans (they bring countless leadership skills, and they make the ultimate sacrifice; that is, to serve their country), but they also love people who are closely related to veterans. Our Stanford University admits that one of them does not have the most outstanding position (working in China, GMAT is 700 years old, decent but not amazing work experience), but has been involved in supporting veterans to return to the United States from a very young age Of the Association.

•        Choose the right school! Key point. People don’t necessarily understand, it depends not only on how well you perform, but most importantly, how you adapt to the program determines many admission decisions. Please take some time to read our 2 articles to help you do this. How to set career goals? Choosing the right MBA program is “easy, but not easy”

In addition, you should definitely create a profile on Scouted By! The best way to know which programs might be of interest to your personal data.

One of the most important factors for admission to a top MBA program is your GMAT score. Something less than 600 will be almost impossible to get into universities such as Harvard, London Business School, Cambridge or Oxford.

Then there are other factors. Your nationality (they seek diversity in the classroom), practical experience (they are looking for students who share their experience with their classmates), and to some extent get your previous degrees and certificates. More Visits Besteconstuition Thanks.

Definition and Measurement of Human Capital

Definition and measurement of human capital. Human capital can be defined as the total amount of knowledge, skills and intelligence of the people of a country.

This investment (human capital) is carried out with the aim of obtaining a higher level of consumption in the future. Although the controversy over the treatment of human resources as human capital has not been resolved, some classical and neo-classical economists such as Adam Smith, Von Threnen, and Alfred Marshall agree that human capital consists of skills that are acquired through education and are useful to all members of society. These skills are the main force for economic growth.

Besides there are still differences of opinion regarding the concept of human capital, there are also differences of opinion regarding its measurement. According to Mary Jean Bowman, the difference of opinion originates on two things, namely, first, regarding the issue of whether capital (human capital) is a store or an input to production. Second, with regard to weighting. In this weighting, it can be seen that there are efforts to treat quantitative and qualitative measures in human capital units. However, there is no agreement regarding the treatment of quantitative measurements in human capital. An education measure embodied in the labor force can be used to convert quality into quantity. The components of education then become specific variables which can be compared with physical capital, and the size of the workforce in economic growth.

As a consequence, the capital unit is defined in a limited sense, namely in the labor force, which can be measured in several ways, including:

1.        Number of school years

2.        Efficiency-equivalence units

3.        Base-year lifetime earned income

4.        Approximations to base year real cost

5.        Approximations to current real cost

There are several problems in measuring the formation of human capital according to the cost basis approach.

The measures for the formation of net capital encounter several difficulties, among others.

1.        With regard to the complex problem of the relationship between consumption and investment.

2.        Is concerned with how to treat unemployment in estimating the opportunity cost.

Human Resource Development

There are three kinds of resources, namely natural resources, human resources, and capital resources. What are discussed here is human resources whose emphasis is on human capital. ). The purpose of developing human resources is to improve their quality and use. This objective is briefly stated in the Budapest Statement and the Jakarta Plan of Action. There are two main aspects in human resource development, namely the micro aspect, namely those relating to personal development, and the macro aspect, which relates to facilities, facilities, and the climate relating to personal development.

These Development Efforts Are Carried Out Through Education and Training

Education and training is carried out with the intention of forming, preparing, fostering, and improving human (learners) abilities and their use. Since the development is carried out at the expense of market consumption during development and is aimed at obtaining a higher level of consumption in the future, this activity is essentially an investment, namely investment in human capital. So education and training have an important role, not only increasing knowledge, but also increasing work productivity. As human capital, the education referred to here is education that is taken after compulsory education.

Education and training can be done outside of school, including through on the job training, institutional training, apprenticeship training, and up-grading training. On the job training is given to those who are officially employees. There are two forms of training, namely in-service training and pre-service training. Institutional training is carried out through organization and system development as an integral part of the national education system. The implementation is usually carried out by universities. Technical level training and hand worker level training.

Then Apprenticeship Training

This training is given to those who will be appointed as employees / workers. Furthermore, upgrading training.

 This training is carried out to increase knowledge

1.        Improving the quality of education can be carried out by setting goals and standards of educational competence, namely through a national consensus between the government and all levels of society. The educational outcome standards may differ between schools and between regions resulting in national competency standards at the minimum, normal (mainstream) and superior standard levels.

2.        Increasing the efficiency of education management leads to school-based education management, by giving wider trust to schools to optimize the available resources to achieve the expected educational goals.

3.        Increasing the relevance of education leads to community-based education. Increased parental and community participation at the policy and operational levels through school committees or boards. This committee consists of the principal, senior teachers, parent representatives, community leaders and student representatives. The role of this committee includes planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating school work programs.

4.        Equitable education services lead to equitable education. This is related to the application of a fair and transparent education financing formula, efforts to equalize the quality of education with the existence of minimum competency standards and equal distribution of educational services for students at all levels of society.

The Economic High School in the Reform of the Second Cycle

1. The Economic High School

What emerges from the legislative decree of school reform n.226 of October 17 is a novelty to be carefully evaluated. It is a question of understanding whether the modern social, economic, business, and legal sciences will be able to introduce an element of novelty with respect to the prevailing humanistic culture of our high school courses. The affirmation of an area of knowledge that educates the choice in the use of resources, the management of businesses, the functioning of markets, legal regulations would be welcome. Many young people need to be oriented on the issues of modernity and complexity as well as to be approached to university courses in economics, law, political science, statistics, and sociology. The hope is that also in Italy the economy and social sciences will be able to obtain a prominent place in the educational system, similar to the one they already occupy in other European countries. In the UK, a quarter of high school students who complete their A2 studies at the age of 18Level choose business economics (business economics) or economics (political economics) studies. In France, the Lycée ES (Economic and Social) is second in terms of the number of students enrolled in high schools only to the scientific one, surpassing the students who attend classical and humanistic studies. It will be possible to verify the feasibility of this wish within a certain number of years, by subjecting the provisions of the reform to the scrutiny of experience.

2. The Educational Profile

The study plan and the specific learning objectives envisaged by the legislative decree configure a non-terminal course for the new economic high school, as indeed any high school should be by axiom. The economic high school has in fact only two addresses (institutional and corporate); OSAs have a predominantly cultural and non-professional character; the hours dedicated in the three-year period to specialization courses are only 20% of the total hours; the in-depth hours dedicated to specific sectors (there are five in the corporate address and four in the institutional one) are optional.

The economic high school has not undergone the reduction to a technical-professional course suffered by the technological high school, where instead the courses are eight and 50% of the total hours is dedicated to specific courses of the courses.

3. Welcome Then To a Modern High School Centered On Economics

The social science richest in cultural and epistemological values. Economic studies have acquired expansive strength in recent decades thanks to the approach given in the 1930s by Lionel Robbins. The English economist, defining economics as a science “that studies human conduct as a relationship between scarce aims and means applicable to alternative uses”, favored the expansion of his field of investigation to analyze every human behavior that made the accounts with the problems of choice. The connections with other social disciplines, with the humanities and sciences have thus become more and more numerous. Economics tends to suggest its own cognitive categories to other fields of knowledge. This positive expansion of the economy, which worries those scholars who consider it as “imperialistic”, it must not, however, involve an excessively formalistic and mathematical role. Economics must retain its character as an open and dynamic social science, based on cognitive pillars of a logical-theoretical, historical-social-value and operational nature.

4. Much Remains To Be Done

However, to qualify the economic high school with a clear high school slant, given that the legislative text presents not a few ambiguities. The study plan is fragmented into an excessive number of disciplines, the hours dedicated to the quantitative-mathematical-statistical area are insufficient, the FBOs exclude business economics from the compulsory teaching of students of an economic high school, relegating it to the business address, for some subjects (Italian and history) we refer to the OSA of the classical high school when instead it would be useful to decline them towards economic contents.

Why was the economy born as an offshoot of Scottish moral philosophy in the 1700s? How can mathematical studies on the problems of the maximum constrained with the method of infinitesimal calculus help economic reasoning? Why does physics provide economics with the notion of equilibrium? How can history make us understand the most recent international dynamics of political and economic systems? At the same time, a more decisive high school cut will leave more space for the training of professionals relating to the different levels and management functions of the education and professional training supply chain of regional competence, identifying them with closer contact with the business world and needs. Local professionals. As is well known, this is the most critical point of the reform.

5. Teaching based on skills

Becomes indispensable for bringing together the different areas of knowledge. The interrelationships between the great economic-social, humanistic and scientific cultural areas and an active teaching methodology can be developed by reasoning about the skills that can be developed in the economic high school. They can be grouped into: a) competences common to all high schools, which see general culture turning to consider economic, business and legal aspects (to give an example, capturing the historical and philosophical data of the origin of political economy); b) Economic tuition in Singapore, business and legal orientation skills; c) mainly directional skills, who see economic knowledge turning to humanistic or scientific knowledge to strengthen the cognitive skills of the address (for example, use mathematical, statistical, probabilistic and financial tools in economic and business problems); d) transversal skills (analysis, problem solving, communication and relationship, creativity) particularly rich in this area of disciplines.

There is a large area of work on teaching by skills, in order to best qualify the economic high school.

6. One Last Question.

If economics and social sciences deserve a high school, it means attesting to their general cultural value. It is therefore good to think about how to consolidate citizenship education in all educational paths from the first two years, in harmony with what is happening in all European schools.